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The Oceans Influence
Over the years much of my work has been influenced by and based around the theme of the ocean and especially waves. Much of my formative years were spent at the beach surfing which is where I gained an appreciation the power, energy and moods of the ocean and the waves it produces. Later when I was living and studying netsuke carving in Japan I became familiar with the temple carvings which are often based around elemental themes of waves and clouds. Observing those Buddhist carvings gave me insight into how these transient motifs could be expressed in sculptural form. Combining my love for wave forms and what I had learnt from the temple carving I began incorporating it into my art and found great joy turning rigid materials into beautiful fluid and flowing designs. The image featured here is a porcelain netsuke I made in 2015 titled ‘Ocean Motion’ https://www.leighsloggett.com/my-work/